Friday, March 2, 2012

So far.

*one more sleep and its already the third month of the year*
To me this means that its the start of my final year at university and the end of social life as I know it! ha! Bring it on! *gulp*
So... in light of the end of my studying years and hopefully the beginning of a long fulfilling professional career as a textile designer (ahem!) ,I'm working on a new the possibility of a new space on the WWW and a stronger identity for myself as a designer.
What does this mean? Well a new name for starters that I can confidently put on my business card and one that I feel at home with and hopefully one that others can relate & connect to.
Its an unusually difficult task trying to accommodate all the above into a word or I'm just going to let it evolve and come to me...
In the mean-time I will continue to vent creative successes and frustrations here - My trusted little space.
For those who don't like reading and prefer pretty pictures here's some shots with my brand new Nikon D3100 - present to myself... and a deliberate nudge to take BETTER PHOTOS.

felt/embroidered name board on my work in progress inspiration wall

Amazon package! yay!birthday present for a man I like to call...Dad 

Its a kindle! I'm not sure if the word 'bookworm' still applies with digital tech!

All wrapped up...(finally got to use my hand printed wrapping paper)

Just realised ... there seems to be an uncanny amount of orange and brown paper happening in my studio at the moment...hmm....

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